Bruce Goodwin, longtime minister at the East Hill Church of Christ and other congregations
across the nation, was selected as the second recipient of the Minister’s Heart award,
presented during York University's annual Equip Conference. The award recognizes Goodwin for his service in the Kingdom, whether in the church
where he served as minister or his willingness to come alongside other congregations,
ministers and church leaders throughout his career.
While Goodwin’s early years revolved around ranch life in South Dakota and professional training as a veterinarian, a series of decisions and events would propel him toward a life of ministry. Once his veterinary school debts were retired he quickly transitioned to full-time work with the church through both hands-on ministry and intense training.
Far more than a career, his love for Jesus and people ultimately led him to serve churches in South Dakota, Philadelphia, York and the Twin Cities of Minnesota, with many other stops along the way. Beyond his service to individual congregations, he consistently engaged in broader efforts to build up the body of Christ. Since retirement, he has remained busy teaching, preaching when asked to do so, and ministering to ministers and other church leaders across the North Central States.
On the decision to honor Goodwin, YU Interim President Stark said, “Bruce was the minister at East Hill Church of Christ when I was a student. It was always clear how much passion, energy and intelligence he possessed. After my time as student, Bruce was a mentor to me and we’d take early morning walks together. It was so sad when he left York but he’s clearly continued to do great work in Minnesota and made himself valuable to even more people. It is so wonderful to see Bruce be honored with this distinction. I know he has inspired many people in ministry.”
Harold Mitchell, who was a major influence while Goodwin was working on his veterinarian degree at Kansas State University, stated, “He is one of the best preachers I have encountered. I appreciate his attentiveness and dedication. I consider him a good friend and fellow soldier.”
Longtime co-worker during Goodwin’s years in York, Rick Eldred, expressed that, “I had the blessing of working alongside Bruce, first while I was director of NET Missions then at East Hill. Bruce’s heart for missions in the North Central states was so clear. He knew where the need was as well as those currently serving in that area. One of the highlights of our work together was recruiting and training the Savage and Tackett families to help grow and strengthen the congregation in Spearfish, South Dakota. Today this congregation (Northern Hills church of Christ) is one of the strongest congregations in that area. Bruce demonstrated through his actions and teachings that 'if one wanted to be great in the Kingdom of God, he must become servant of all.' I also learned over the thousands of miles traveling together that if you want to have a conversation with Bruce, always be willing to do the driving because Bruce only hears out of his left ear."
Since Goodwin’s retirement from ministry he has worshiped with the Woodbury church in Minnesota where he serves as an elder. Fellow elder, Dale Hawley reflected that, “Bruce is many things: an excellent scholar, a conscientious and caring pastor, a devoted mentor, and a good friend. I love his preaching and teaching which challenges me and is delivered with a humble spirit. When I think of Bruce, I am reminded of Paul’s statement in II Corinthians 11: '…I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.' I don’t know that I have ever seen, except perhaps in my own father, someone who cares so deeply about the spiritual welfare of the churches in his sphere of influence. He is always searching for ways to help, to encourage, and to support them. He is a true shepherd. I am delighted you are honoring him at the Equip conference. It is a perfect fit. I can think of no one more deserving.”
Presentation of the award took place during the Monday night dinner for the Equip Conference. Dr. Garrett Best, chair of the Bible and Ministry Department and conference director made the presentation. The initial award was presented last year to Dr. Michael Case. The Equip Conference, now in its third year, is held in mid-March and open to all. For more information about Equip Conference go to
Read more about Bruce’s story of ministry and service in the Kingdom:
Bruce grew up on a farm and ranch in the northwest corner of South Dakota, the only child of his parents C.F. and Marjorie Goodwin. Although Bruce was born in Trinidad, Colorado, the family soon relocated to Gillette, Wyoming where they rented a farm. When an opportunity came for them to buy a place of their own, they moved to South Dakota and put down roots.
C.F. raised sheep and then cattle, along with putting up hay and some wheat farming. Marjorie taught elementary school in the one-room school houses that dotted the countryside at that time. Bruce learned to be a cowboy, as his dad expected and earned good grades in school which made his mother proud.
Potential professions for young men growing up in Perkins County South Dakota were somewhat limited. Bruce set his sights on becoming a veterinarian. After a year at South Dakota State University, he transferred to Kansas State University hoping to get into a reciprocity program for veterinarians between Kansas State and the state of South Dakota. Through the Church of Christ in Manhattan Kansas, Bruce grew in his faith and met his future wife, Barbara. By the time he graduated from veterinary school, Bruce was beginning to think about full-time ministry.
Bruce and Barbara moved to Groton, South Dakota after they married in 1976. Bruce was determined to work and pay back the loans that were provided to him for veterinary school by the state of South Dakota. He was just getting started working in a large animal ambulatory practice when Bruce rolled his veterinary truck on a rural road outside of Groton. A compression fracture to one of his vertebrae sidelined him from work for six months.
Through the campus ministry in Manhattan, Kansas the Goodwins previously met Stanley Shipp, a minister from St. Louis. Stanley had recently started a program in St. Louis called "The Spiritual Internship" at about the same time when Bruce was put on leave from veterinary work. Although Bruce was in a back brace and unable to lift much weight, he could attend classes and participate in program activities. Bruce and Barbara spent three months in St. Louis, which had a huge impact on their lives as disciples of Christ.
Bruce's back healed and he returned to veterinary practice, helping out where he could with church ministry. Once his school loans were repaid, Bruce was free to change careers and go into ministry full time. He had planned to return to school; however, the church in Aberdeen, South Dakota lost their minister and the church asked him to stay. He served there as the church's pulpit minister and took courses from Abilene Christian University through correspondence and summer school for eight years.
During that time, the Goodwins also returned to St. Louis for more time with the Spiritual Internship program in order to grow personally and learn how to set up a similar program for the Dakotas. This time, their oldest child Dan went along as well. The Goodwins teamed up with another couple to set up a program in Aberdeen which resulted in a church being planted in Belle Fourche, South Dakota. Bruce shared preaching duties, as well as teaching and training responsibilities with his partner, John Rozzell.
When the Spiritual Internship program in Aberdeen ended, there was a natural transition point. Bruce and Barbara decided to move their family of four to Abilene Christian University so Bruce could complete the Master's degree that he worked on throughout his time in South Dakota. They moved to Clyde Texas where Bruce served as an associate minister while doing graduate studies. Dan attended kindergarten, while Barbara and Audrey took care of things at home.
The Goodwins explored opportunities to return to the Dakotas, as well as other ministries with fellow participants in the Spiritual Internship program. Marvin and Gail Bryant of East Lansdowne, Pennsylvania were looking for new partners to help them with a young church started through the St. Louis program. God provided a supporting church in Manchester, Tennessee who invited the Goodwin family to move there before they sent them on to serve in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bruce was an associate minister and "missionary in residence" for the nine months they were in Manchester.
Bruce and Marvin were co-ministers at the East Lansdowne Church of Christ for four years. They worked together to grow the church in physical size and spiritual depth. Bruce grew in his love for preaching and especially teaching the Word. Highlights included visits from supporting congregations to host vacation Bible schools for the neighborhood and share life in Christ. The church was a tight-knit family with several new Christians. When it became apparent that the mission would no longer be able to support two full-time ministers, both ministry families prayerfully considered whether God may be calling them elsewhere.
There was an advertisement in the Christian Chronicle for a preaching position in York, Nebraska where the Goodwin's friend Harold Mitchell had served. When Bruce called to check on Harold, he learned that all was well and Harold urged Bruce to apply for the position at York. The Goodwins later learned from a search committee member that Bruce appealed to the academics in the congregation because he held a doctorate degree and he appealed to the farmers because they knew what veterinarians actually did on the job.
Bruce was the pulpit minister at the East Hill Church of Christ in York for 15 years, ministering to a congregation of dedicated college faculty, staff and students, as well as life-long native Nebraska families. Throughout his time in York, he was blessed with wonderful partners and co-workers. Bruce continued to have a passion for the North Central States and welcomed opportunities that came along to encourage smaller churches in the area. The annual Bismark workshop, Fallhall Glenn retreat and Black Hills Bible Camp kept him connected to others working in the north. When a generous donor provided some funding for church planting, Bruce, Don Truitt and Rick Eldred used the Spiritual Internship model to mentor a few families who wanted to plant or strengthen churches in the upper midwestern states.
When the time came to leave York, Bruce and Barbara chose to move north to work with the Richfield Church of Christ in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Throughout his eight years serving as the pulpit minister at Richfield, Bruce continued to maintain and grow his ministry to the larger region by sharing life and ministry with others working in the area. The Goodwins felt at home almost immediately living in the Minneapolis area, so it is not surprising that they have chosen to retire in Minnesota.
In retirement, Bruce is an elder at the Woodbury Church of Christ. He loves having the opportunity to teach Bible classes, fill the pulpit when asked and encourage fellow ministers. He has maintained close connections to area Bible camps and ministry workshops. He is regularly called upon to talk with ministers serving in the North Central States and also with those who support those efforts. It is a joy to live minutes away from their daughter Audrey Amy and her family. Retirement has also provided the flexibility to take more road trips back to York to spend time with their son Dan and his family.
Bruce also loves writing and has published one book, A Calling: Confidence, Doubt, Trust, and is completing a second book that contains stories from his childhood growing up on the prairie of South Dakota.